What Is Genre?

What makes a genre? Is generic classification inherent in the text, or does the presentation and performance of that text determine its genre? This project seeks to perform text in both traditional literary genres and neo-genres such as software. How does the meaning – or reception – of the text change when it travels? And, given such changes, how much power does genre wield over perception and meaning?

This project, we hope, provokes visitors to consider these questions and explore their own assumptions about literature, software, and genre as they encounter a text in multiple framing environments.  The words remain the same but the "genre" changes and affects the visitor's relation to the text and its meaning. We invite visitors to leave feedback about their experience in the "Blog" section.


  1. Click and drag the text to your chosen genre. This will open a movie or image that places the text in that generic category.
  2. To exit a genre screen, look for a red "x" or "close" button. This will return you to the project main screen.
  3. To learn more about this project and the source of our text selection, follow the "About This Project" link at the bottom of the project main screen.
  4. Technical note: this site makes use of Macromedia Flash Player and QuickTime Player. Some sections involve sound, so please ensure your speakers are on and volume is up.

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